Upcoming Nikon AX R Launch & Learn event and AX R Demo
Dear Users,
We are pleased to announce Nikon will be demonstrating their latest confocal microscope.
Some Key Features:
Nikon AX R MP confocal microscope has super-resolution imaging capabilities.
NSPARC detector – The AX R MP’s NSPARC detector allows for super-resolution imaging of fine structures. It uses a SPPC array detector to collect a two-dimensional image at each scanned point.
Fast Image Acquistion – he AX R MP’s resonant scanner and NSPARC detector can acquire super-resolution images of large areas at high speed.
Macro-to-Micro Imaging – The AX R MP can image both large samples and fine structures within a single experiment.
Deep Imaging – The AX R MP is a top choice for deep imaging, allowing for imaging deep within living organisms.
Applications – The AX R MP can be used to understand brain diseases and in drug discovery research. The AX R MP also has a 2K resonant scanner, which can capture fast in vivo dynamics over a large field of view.
Nikon will be introducing this instrument during their Launch and Learn event on Wednesday, October 16th in the Eccles Health Sciences Education, Room 2880, 12pm-1pm.
Additionally, they will be hosting demo sessions for the Nikon AX R October 28-31 in CVRTI.
Please RSVP for lunch, or to reserve a AX R demo session, by contacting Christian Nunnally via christian.nunnally@nikon.com.
Please see the attached flyers for more details.