Dear Users,
We at HSC Cell Imaging Cores Facility are so excited to have seen how successful the Andor’s (Oxford Instruments) all-in-one fluorescence, confocal, and super-resolution BC43 microscope Launch & Demo event was! Many individuals signed up to attend the Launch event, and all of our demo sessions, for both the BC43 and Imaris 3D analysis software, were COMPLETELY booked out. We even had to rearrange some sessions so more users could participate! The response to this event encourages us at Cores Facilities to continue our work in gaining access to high-end equipment to support the enriching efforts of our researchers.
Keep up to date on future launch events by subscribing to our UU Microscopy mailing list, and please share your thoughts on the success of these launch events hosted by the HSC Cores Facilities via this survey:
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event so successful!